A Tail's Tale: An Interactive Picture Book about Child-Pet Companionship in Enhancing Emotional Literacy for Children Ages 7 to 11.

Awarded by the Movable Book Society as the winner of Emerging Paper Engineer Prize 2023.
The Emerging Paper Engineer Prize recognizes excellence in paper engineering among undergraduate and/or graduate students worldwide.
A Tail's Tale is an interactive picture book that aims to creatively capture children's active participation and dimensionalizing the book's tactility in channeling children's innate nature of playing as a learning strategy.
Children go through varying developmental stages of affective learning. As they expand their emotional connections, they are introduced to new and unfamiliar interactions.
Key in emotional literacy is one's ability to emotionally interact. In general, children consider pets as part of their family. The presence of pets has long proven its supporting role in children's emotional development and may serve as a catalyst in enhancing children's emotional literacy.

APRL's workspace upon finishing the book at 3 A.M.
A Tail's Tale is about child-pet companionship, utilizing children's prior affective knowledge of their interactions with pets and how emotional literacy can be further enhanced. The book introduces characters they may identify with. Presenting Pippin and his bond with Brownie, his lovable dog.
The style of the book's narrative is structured with child-like, yet a touch of emotional maturity, openness, and curiosity about one's emotional processes. The openness of the story creates room for the reader to openly interpret and relate it to their own experiences.
The book includes an activity sheet and sticker pack serving as a space to explore and express their feelings. Lastly, creating interactive mechanisms are intentionally designed as fun and simple to be played with as a channel for the reader to actively interact with the material that is an integral part of the story's movement.
The idea is to facilitate learning through layers of interactive material with the support of a reading facilitator in enhancing one's emotional literacy. Ultimately, building children's ability to emotionally interact.
The book is available in two languages: English and Filipino.
Big thanks to Waya Lao for translating A Tail's Tale.
The style of the book's narrative is structured with child-like, yet a touch of emotional maturity, openness, and curiosity about one's emotional processes. The openness of the story creates room for the reader to openly interpret and relate it to their own experiences.
The book includes an activity sheet and sticker pack serving as a space to explore and express their feelings. Lastly, creating interactive mechanisms are intentionally designed as fun and simple to be played with as a channel for the reader to actively interact with the material that is an integral part of the story's movement.
The idea is to facilitate learning through layers of interactive material with the support of a reading facilitator in enhancing one's emotional literacy. Ultimately, building children's ability to emotionally interact.
The book is available in two languages: English and Filipino.
Big thanks to Waya Lao for translating A Tail's Tale.
Interested in co-publishing A Tail's Tale?
Let's talk :)
Let's talk :)

Got my signed copy of The Complexities of Pop Up by David Carter and James Diaz. It's still on loan.

Presenting A Tail's Tale at the Movable Book Society Conference 2024. Photo by Kelly Pontoni

A Tail's Tale on the way to the Movable Book Society Conference 2023 at Cleveland, Ohio
Select photos from the Movable Book Society Conference 2023 at Cleveland, Ohio. Will share more about it on my Substack. Stay tuned!