Illustrated Poster Series
Find your Pleasing Fragrance.
Bright, Hot, Closeness, and Rivulets – each alluring fragrance brings you back to a time, place, and memory through connecting with your senses.
A fan-made illustrated poster series for Harry Styles’s new fragrance, Pleasing, in collaboration with Robertet.
" Fading into sleep beneath the hot sun. Eyelids gently, slowly shut, the orange hue behind closed eyes transforms into a canvas for a dream. An exhilarating adventure. Time slips away, basking in a midday reverie."
I found the story of each fragrance too interesting to a point that I wanted to visualize it through a series of posters.

How can I not create something out of these beautiful words? See the story of the other fragrances, Closeness and Rivulets on each poster.

To Harry Styles, I’d deliberately shave my head for you in solidarity of your personal hairstyle choices. But probably not in this timeline. I do get the fine line of ‘it be like that’ haircut.
(Personal note: Just manifesting a future collaboration with Harry Styles and Pleasing)

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